US Population Pyramid Over Time¶
A population pyramid shows the distribution of age groups within a population. It uses a slider widget that is bound to the year to visualize the age distribution over time.
import altair as alt
from altair.expr import datum, if_
from vega_datasets import data
pop = data.population.url
slider = alt.binding_range(min=1850, max=2000, step=10)
select_year = alt.selection_single(name='year', fields=['year'], bind=slider)
base = alt.Chart(pop).add_selection(
gender=if_( == 1, 'Male', 'Female')
title = alt.Axis(title='population')
color_scale = alt.Scale(domain=['Male', 'Female'],
range=['#1f77b4', '#e377c2'])
left = base.transform_filter(
datum.gender == 'Female'
y=alt.X('age:O', axis=None),
x=alt.X('sum(people):Q', axis=title, sort=alt.SortOrder('descending')),
color=alt.Color('gender:N', scale=color_scale, legend=None)
middle = base.encode(
y=alt.X('age:O', axis=None),
right = base.transform_filter(
datum.gender == 'Male'
y=alt.X('age:O', axis=None),
x=alt.X('sum(people):Q', axis=title),
color=alt.Color('gender:N', scale=color_scale, legend=None)
left | middle | right