Altair RenderersΒΆ

In order to turn your altair chart from the JSON structure output by Altair into a rendered visualization requires a front-end that knows how to interpret Vega and Vega-Lite specifications. To enable a particular renderer, you can use:

import altair as alt

Altair ships with the following renderers:


JupyterLab works with the default renderer, and requires no additional enable step. To switch back to it after another renderer has been enabled, use:

alt.renderers.enable('jupyterlab')  # Note: identical to enable('default')

for more details on version and system requireements, see Displaying in JupyterLab.


nteract works with the default renderer and requires no additional enable step. To switch back to it after another renderer has been enabled, use:

alt.renderers.enable('nteract')  # Note: identical to enable('default')

for more details on version and system requirements, see Displaying in nteract.

Jupyter Notebook

for the classic Jupyter Notebook (not JupyterLab), you must switch to the notebook renderer:


Note that this requires the vega package; see Displaying in the Jupyter Notebook.

Google Colab

Colab requires use of the colab renderer, which will be enabled by default when Altair is imported. To switch back to it after another renderer has been enabled, use:


For more information, see Displaying in Colab.